Ask America Survey

Two of my articles are letters sent back to the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). The first letter asked for my views to 40 questions, which I sent in June—I am now just adding this article—Ask America Survey—to my blog. The other was sent in August, which I put on my website last month, Response to a letter from the NRCC. I wish I had published them on my blog at that time.

I must admit that I tweaked this article a bit, adding a little more from the original letter. I feel that I am still not done; however, I wanted to post this on my website’s blog before November 6th.



June 8, 2012 – Friday

Ask America Survey


Bradley Panvino



National Republican Congressional Committee

320 First Street, SE

Washington, DC 20003


 Ask America Survey

 Jobs & The Economy

Q – 1. How confident are you that America’s economy will rebound in the next 12 months?

A – Strongly confident.

Remark: However, only with a Republican president. Also, America will need a full conservative Republican Congress in the House & Senate.


Q – 2. How do you personally rate the nation’s economy?

A – Economy is stagnant with too many people unsure of the future and afraid to borrow and spend.

Remark: Congress needs to take down all restrictions and not just a few. For the economy to take hold once again, all businesses must be given the opportunity to grow, and taxes must be lowered. Also, removing entitlements will reduce taxes, and moving to a flat tax that is easy to understand will move our nation forward. In this way, all of government will be responsible for the people.


Q – 3. Which of the following factors do you feel is most adversely affecting our economy during the present downturn and keeping it from rebounding?

A –

Tight credit practices by banks.

Continuing instability in the real estate market.

Massive government spending.

People’s lack of confidence in government solutions.

Business uncertainty as to future Obama administration policies.

Burdensome taxes.

Excessive government regulations of business.


Other: All of the answers best describe the present administration’s inability to help the American people.

Remark: One important concept that I have not written about, and the NRCC should follow up on, is to include the Wall Street Protesters as potential voters. Not the hardliners or union legions, but those that want a better way of life through less government, and a new administration that listens to the people. The new candidate must look into corruption within government and businesses. This way, the new president and Congress is assuring the American people that changes will be made to improve our economy for the future of all of America. Read the book Inside Congress: The Shocking Scandals,Corruption,and Abuse of


Q – 4. Republican Members of Congress have outlined a blueprint—A Plan for America’s Creators—to help end economic uncertainty and make America more competitive. Please check the following priorities you agree with:

A –

Permanently stop all job-destroying tax hikes.

Lower taxes on business earnings—the U.S. has the highest rates in the world.

Require congressional approval of any new federal regulation that has an annual cost to our economy of $100 million or more.

Open new markets overseas to American-made products.

Eliminate excessive regulations that are hurting small business owners.

Tap into America’s vast energy resources to address high gas prices and create thousands of jobs here at home.

Other: All of the answers.

Remark: Lower taxes and a new flat-tax system will greatly benefit all Americans. Removing rules and regulations that keep businesses from growing is another key to helping America. The eventual end to entitlements, earmarks, and adding an amendment for a Balanced Budget must be mentioned every day by the conservative president and his organization. Go to the website Americans for a Balanced Budget Amendment

However, the Republican members of Congress must agree among themselves as a unified body to move our nation forward. If the members of Congress cannot come to quick agreements, then our nation and economy will not prosper at a pace that they themselves are trying to avoid.


Q – 5. How concerned are you that our national debt—presently more than $16 trillion—will seriously jeopardize our nation’s economic security for future generations?

A – Very concerned.

Remark: I strongly believe that America is already bankrupt. Our administration is not keeping a balanced budget because they know this fact. How can one balance the books with overspending and high costs—the book cannot be balanced. Money is being printed without anything backing it up.

The pace at which this present administration is heading has not proposed sound steps to reduce the debt at all.


 Government Spending

Q – 6. How do you currently view government spending?

A – We need to drastically cut back government spending.

Remark: The move of entitlements out of government to the private sector will greatly reduce government spending. See my article True Capitalism At Work. Other factors to help once again are removing earmarks, balancing the budget, and a flat tax to avoid mismanagement and extreme cost overrides.

Government spending must be looked at through every facet of its being—then reduced and/or restricted. This can only happen with changes to the systems of government. One area is the high cost of government waste. Go to the website Citizens Against Government Waste:


Q – 7. Should Congress make it a priority to pass an amendment to the Constitution that would require a balanced budget?

A – Yes.

Remark: Definitely: the best businesses in the world watch where their money is going by keeping a balanced budget book. They set goals and plan ahead by using a balanced budget. Why not our government?


Q – 8. Should House Republicans continue to fight to place strict budget caps on federal programs to put an immediate halt to unrestricted government spending? 

A – Yes.

Remark: See answers to questions 6 and 7.


Q – 9. Should House Republicans work to root out government waste and duplication by reviewing all federal government programs and eliminating those unworthy of continued taxpayer support?

A – Yes.

Remark: Most definitely a yes. See remarks to questions 6, 7, and 8.



Q – 10. Do you think President Obama is right in his demands that we must raise federal taxes by hundreds of billions of dollars in order to get the federal deficit under control?

A – No.

Remark: The president does not make sense when he wants more taxes and yet uses regulations to keep businesses from growing. Businesses are holding back because of regulations that the president is imposing.


Q – 11. Do you favor a major overhaul of the current Federal Tax Code that would simplify today’s burdensome tax system and lower overall rates to help create a better environment for jobs?

A – Yes.

Remark: I am in favor of a flat tax. See my article on The Flat Tax.


 Health Care

Q – 12. Do you support efforts by House Republicans to repeal and defund ObamaCare?

A – Yes.

Remark: The overwhelming cost to the taxpayers must be the objective of the new party to show that ObamaCare will not work. ObamaCare alone will dwarf all other entitlement programs. Prices across the board for living expenses will skyrocket, and at the same time, the American paycheck will stay the same.


Q – 13. Check below the solutions you favor in replacing ObamaCare and creating an affordable, free-market-based health-care system in our nation:

A –

Permit individuals to buy health insurance across state lines to create more competition in the marketplace and reduce costs.

Enact medical liability reform that reins in junk lawsuits and curbs defensive medicine.

Expand Health Savings Accounts.

Strengthen doctor-patient relationships.

Ensure access to medical insurance for patients with pre-existing conditions.

Permanently prohibit taxpayer funding of abortions.

Other: All of the above.

Remark: The key to the above question is to put health care in the hands of the American people. It has never been government’s job to run an American business. Health care must stay in the private sector, and never have imposing rules and regulations put upon the people by government.


 Social Security and Medicare

Q – 14. The current economic crisis has greatly exacerbated the problem of long-term funding for Social Security and Medicare. Do you believe that it is imperative for the Obama administration and Congress to reform these critical health and retirement programs in order to protect current retirees and future generations?

A – Yes.

Remark: I answered yes, but not to the Obama’s administration. Frankly, the Obama administration has done nothing about these entitlement services. Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlement programs must be privatized. The new administration must return Social Security back to the people. This will take time because of the people collecting SS now. However, it must be moved out and away from government.


Q – 15. It has been reported for years that the Medicare program is rampant with waste and fraud that costs billions of dollars annually. Do you believe the federal government should prioritize cleaning up the current system while considering other significant reforms?

A – Yes.

Remark: A government that looks for corruption within itself and businesses will show to the American people it cares for our great nation. See my article True Capitalism At Work.


 Border Security

Q – 16. President Obama may work to push legislation through Congress that will give amnesty to illegal immigrants. Do you support such actions?

A – No.

Remark: The word illegal in front of immigration should tell it all. What needs to be done is much stricter rules in hiring. Businesses and employers must be given far greater fines when it comes to illegal immigration. This is the key component to sending many back—this is the key to greater stability.

Also, moving America’s military to handle border security would help to restrict illegal drug trafficking. This would tell the Mexican government that we will have zero tolerance of drugs entering our nation.


Q – 17. Should Republicans in Congress put more pressure on the Obama administration to enforce our current immigration laws, reaffirm the authority of states and local governments to assist in enforcing immigration laws, and continue to fight for increased funding for securing our nation’s borders?

A – Yes.

Remark: When I say yes, I am not referring to the Obama administration, because they have failed to do anything. I am saying yes to the next new conservative administration in November. What needs to be done is to put our armed forces at the borders, working to keep out the flow of illegal immigrants.



Q – 18. Do you think the Obama administration is wrong in putting strict job-destroying regulations on accessing America’s vast domestic oil and gas supplies?

A – Yes.

Remark: America needs to become independent from foreign oil. America must remove regulations to create more oil. It is insane that the Obama administration is moving to other nations for its oil, while restricting our own American businesses with more rules and regulations.


Q – 19. Should President Obama reverse his decision to delay the Keystone Pipeline project and more than 20,000 American jobs until after the 2012 election?

A – Yes.

Remark: The Keystone Pipeline must be opened up to put Americans back to work. Not moving to open up the pipeline has kept many willing Americans from finding work, and thus stimulating the economy. This president has said he is for the people, yet when looking at his record for returning Americans back to work, he is dismally failing in his responsibilities.


 Government Reform

Q – 20. Do you support House Republicans’ efforts to make public the full contents of all legislation for at least three days before coming to a vote?

A – Yes.

Remark: I assume question 20 is referring to “open door legislation”—that the public’s business, also government’s business, should be conducted in public. Too many times, one hears about closed-door meetings and back-door agendas to decide what America wants or needs without ever going to the people.

I support an open-door policy and the House Republicans’ efforts to establish the public’s right to attend government meetings. The American people have a right to know and decide what is good and what is not good under our republic.


Q – 21. Currently billions and billions of dollars on special projects are added to major pieces of legislation. To ensure this practice is stopped, do you believe that legislation should be voted on one issue at a time?

A – Yes.

Remark: Yes, and the word is earmarks. These pesky added programs for more money to be given to something totally different from what is asked for is an outright lie to the American people.


 Constitutional Principles

Q – 22. Are you concerned that President Obama is appointing liberal judges who place their own political ideology above strict Constitutional principles?

A – Yes.

Remark: America was formed on being a Republic, where power is held by the people. Appointing liberal judges who do not adhere to the equality of the people will turn, in time, our nation into a socialistic society. Power will transform out of the people’s hands and into government permanently. Government with its rules and regulations will direct how we eat, work, and eventually pray—something that is happening with this administration. See my blog article on Equality.


Q – 23. Now that the Democrats have lost control of the House and cannot freely ram their agenda through Congress, President Obama is relying on Executive Orders and appointed Bureaucrats to circumvent Congress and advance his liberal big-government agenda. Do you approve of such actions?

A – No.

Remark: Voting for a conservative Republican will put an end to President Obama’s agenda of big government.


 National Security

Q – 24. Do you share the goals of the Obama administration in their efforts to dramatically scale back our nation’s military?

A – No.

Remark: The new conservative political party needs to point out that America is in danger of having a ridiculously small armed services. Read the article Armed Forces.


Q – 25. Should America take military action if necessary to keep Iran and North Korea from obtaining nuclear weapons?

A – Yes.

Remark: Definitely—these are dangerous nations that should never go unchecked. The present administration does nothing and is fooling themselves in not having shot down North Korea’s missiles, and for not standing up to Iran’s rants of America.


Q – 26. Should the United States actively support democracy in the Middle East and throughout the world?

A – Yes.

Remark: America is the last great hope to terrorism. This next election needs to point this fact out to all.


Q – 27. Fundamentally, do you feel the U.S. should continue to play a major leadership role in the world, or do you feel we should concern ourselves only with matters of immediate national interest?

A – Leadership role.

Remark: America is made up of all the nations upon this earth; to turn our back on the world is to let in terrorism. See remark to question 26.


Q – 28. Do you agree with the Obama administration’s efforts to try terrorists in our federal court system rather than in military courts?

A – No.

Remark: Terrorists have no rights—their ideology is not the same as that of our nation. Therefore, they are war criminals, and need to be tried as such.


Q – 29. Do you agree with Republicans’ commitment to continue to fully fund a “missile defense shield” for our nations to protect us from future missile threats?

A – Yes.

Remark: All areas of our military must have the most advanced equipment to deter our enemies and terrorists. See remark to question 24.


 General Issues

Q – 30. Do you think the national news media accurately reports the news without liberal bias?

A – No.

Remark: Far too many times, I have heard stories days after the events. If our mainstream news networks would give out the news for the American people, President Obama would not have been elected president. His socialistic ideology is being viewed more after he was elected. Remember this: he never ran on the views he is proposing now as president. In retrospect, he is lying.


Q – 31. Do you believe taxpayer funding for elective abortions should be banned?

A – Yes.

Remark: A better question should be: “31. Should ‘Roe vs. Wade’ be overturned?” In retrospect, taxpayer funding would be null and void. Government does not have the right to the American taxpayers’ monies for abortion. Furthermore, the Catholic Church and Jewish community consistently condemn abortion. Visit the website <The Catholic Church and Abortion :: Catholic News Agency>.

“I find it appalling that Muslims believe in stoning teenage rape victims to death for ‘adultery,’ and that Muslims mutilate the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur’an and Shari’a law tells them to.” Everyone reading this must see <American Legion Mission City Post 564: SPECIAL ITEMS>. Read “I’m 70 and I’m tired” by Robert A. Hall, a Marine Vietnam veteran.


Q – 32. Do you support a federal voucher system enabling parents to choose which school their child can attend?

A – Yes.

Remark: I would refer to the website Public Schools: Make Them Private. This article points out facts to better our school systems across the nation.


Q – 33. Do you believe public sector unions are right in making costly demands on taxpayers in these times when state and local governments must make critical cuts in their strained budgets?

A – No.

Remark: In our time of economic uncertainty, I would say no. However, I like them, and I hate them, at the same time. I feel that unions need to be regulated to make sure they are not overbearing in their demands to their constituents.


Q – 34. The Obama administration recently put forward a rule that would require faith-based employers to provide services they believe immoral—including sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs and devices, and contraception. Do you believe this requirement is an attack of Americans right to freedom of religion?

A – Yes.

Remark: This is an attack on all Christian and Jewish religions. See my remark to question number 31.


 The President And Congress

Q – 35. How do you rate Barack Obama’s job performance?

A – Poor.

Remark: Nothing this president has said or done has made me believe he is for the American people. At a time when Americans need jobs, our president sets up rules and regulations, actually keeping many individuals from going back to work. The Keystone Pipeline is a prime example. Also, taxing the wealthy has kept America from going back to work.


Q – 36. How do you rate the Republican-controlled House?

A – Excellent.

Remark: I wish to say excellent only in that they are the total opposite of the Democratic agenda, in which I see socialism as the way our nation is heading.


Q – 37. How do you rate the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate?

A – Poor.

Remark: They have not passed a jobs program of any meaningful help.


Q – 38. In your opinion, how does the federal government best function?

A – When one party controls the White House and Congress.

Remark: A fully conservative Republican government that learns to work together will fulfill the goals and dreams of our great nation. I care very deeply that America standing together will accomplish more than being divided.


Q – 39. What are the top issues that will most impact your vote in the 2012 Presidential and Congressional elections?

A –

1. The moving of entitlements out of government to the private sector.

2. Flat tax.

3. A balanced budget.

4. Removing earmarks.

Remark: These are a start in the right direction. These and other issues I talk about in my book, titled The Unauthorized Conservatives Handbook, when combined, will pay our nation’s debts and move our nation forward.


Q – 40. What do you consider the most important steps the Republican Party can take in the coming months to defeat President Obama and elect more Republicans to Congress?

A – Tell the American people that at this next election Americans must go to the polls in record numbers. The votes must be a majority for our nation’s future, based on a conservative platform. At the election, it will not be enough to win by a narrow margin. This election will go down in history as the turning point for all of America. This election is as important as the very first days of our Founding Fathers’ call for a Republic.

Benjamin Franklin was asked what type of government the Congress decided upon, and his reply: “We have chosen a Republic; let’s see if you can keep it.” See the article The Republic.


Additional Comments:

Remark: The price of food, and gas, also auto and health insurance continue to go up; however, hourly wages stay the same. I blame President Obama for this because his “redistribution” does not work. When government takes more from the wealthy to redistribute, the wealthy will add more to their products’ costs to compensate for their losses. In other words, when taxes go up for the wealthy, prices go up—when taxes go down, prices will go down. Note still, that as all prices rise, taxes for everyone will also rise.

Remark: I wish to point out something I heard on conservative radio that should help generate more votes for the Republican Party. In the last election, Obama had one of the highest followings from the Jewish community. It is time to remind our American Jews that in Israel, and around the world, the Jewish communities Do Not Like President Obama.

Remark: America is a republic and must return to this very basic fundamental truth formed around biblical principles of moral and ethical standards. I say this because I believe that our Founding Fathers believed in biblical principles as their basis behind a new government. Our nation back then in history was void of minority groups’ values; they were never considered a threat to altering a new nation’s government.

It has always been up to the majority that decides the faith of America. It is through the majority that our nation bases the use of biblical moral and ethical standards, principles for right living. Never should it be left up to the minority. When one looks to help the minority by changing the laws for them, then any great nation will fail, based on far less standards for living.

Socialists are attacking our nation through the passing of laws for the minorities. These groups feel that the time is now to make changes in government for themselves. They ignore biblical standards, and will be the downfall of America, if they are not stopped in November.

Our nation must use biblical principles as our founding heritage. Go to question 31’s remark. Also view my books: The Unauthorized Conservatives Handbook and Common Ground: The Living Principles.



1 Comment on "Ask America Survey"

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