Saving America From the Biden Administration


I used to think the Obama administration was the worse in our nation’s history. Boy, was I wrong. The Biden administration makes the Obama administration look like child’s play. And they are just getting started!

Can the Biden administration continue at such a reckless pace without any consequences?

What damage will be done before the Trump administration takes over again?

Let’s analyze what’s happening and what we can do about it.


The State of the U.S. Today

Biden may have implemented loopholes, and torn small holes in the American Constitution, that may not be redeemable. Biden has already:

  • Set up America for further attacks, and further failures. Cyber and EM-Pulse attacks may just replace Covid. Terrorism within the world is going to spill over to our nation. While America is showing weakness under the Biden plan, other nations are becoming more embolden at taking their own agenda of warfare to next level.

  • Let crime escalate. The crime rate of our major (Democrat-run) cities is surpassing those of other nations. (Just do a Google search of crime rates by other countries). The “Black Lives Matter” movement is not helping by having “defund the police” as one of their many slogans.

  • Reversed the economic growth that President Trump initiated. At this rate, there might be a full blown recession before the end of Biden’s term, forcing more small businesses too close, and putting more Americans out of work, while giving those jobs to illegal immigrants.


So What Can We Do?

Will the conservative party, the Republicans, hold strong, or will they fall by the wayside? How can we protect this country until 2024, when (hopefully) President Trump can once again take control of our great nation?

If you’ve read my book and previous posts, you already understand that my main message is that the American Republic only needs a single Republican administration. And that’s what we need.

As a side note, no one is mentioning that the Democrats have all along pushed for a single-sided government based on their secret socialistic society. These elite individuals, and certain secret societies, are wanting a single system form of government.

The world is watching us. Will conservatives win the hearts and minds of the American public? Will we be able to once again run this country and ensure it thrives for centuries to come?

We must prove that conservative values – the values of true Republicans – will crush the Rino’s in the party, while simultaneously removing the Democrats.

It’s our only hope.